Our Holly Creek Kids ministry provides a ministry to the family by coming alongside parents as they raise their children. Our preschool ministry begins welcoming children at birth and provides the best care and environment for these precious ones until they transition to our children's ministry. Our kindergarten through fifth grade meets in our children's wing located in our Christian Life Center. We strive to provide a learning environment that is safe, loving, and fun.
Families are important to us... and we want to partner with you in the spiritual growth of your child. We also desire to see your family connect and grow and we provide opportunities for family worship and activities.

Our preschool offers a learning environment on Sundays during Sunday School, extended care for worship during services, and Wednesday night care.

Our children's ministry provides a growing environment with Sunday School, Children's Worship, Word of Life, Musicals and many events throughout the year such as February Funtastic, CentriKids Camp, Children's Day Camp, Trunk or Treat and All Day Fun Day!!

Word of Life
Our Word of Life program begins at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday nights. This program is a great way for your child to grow in their faith through scripture memorization, large group times, and games.

Special Needs
All children are loved by God and we want to minister to everyone. If your child has a special need please let us know and we will provide a special assistant during Sunday School and Children's Worship.